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churchSunday Services
11AM & 6PM

Location & Service Times

Meeting at:

4057 – 248 St.   Langley, B.C.

From the Co-op corner it is ~ 1/2 mile (0.8 km.) north  of  Fraser Hwy.

Langley, B.C.  V4W 1E3

(We are using the Korean SDA church building)


SUNDAY  SERVICES:   11:00 AM  is also Live~streamed   &  Evening 6:00

Sunday School ~ 10:10 AM

WED.  PRAYER  Service:  7:00 PM


Victory Baptist Church 

5501-204 ST. ~ PO Box 26117

Langley, B.C. V3A 8J2


Our Mission

“Loving people with the Truth of Jesus Christ”

Service Times

Sunday Classes: 10:00AM

Sunday Services: 11:00AM & 6:00pm

Wednesday Prayer Service: 7:00PM

Contact Us


About Our Church

Welcome to our website. Victory Baptist Church is a caring, friendly Church with a mission of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the people of the Langleys', our country and nations around the world. We are located close to the community of Aldergrove and would love for you to join us for one of our weekly services.